Thursday, December 08, 2005

Law and Order: CI -- sloppy story line

Sundays L&O:CI, the one about the hacker who was tortured by his shrink, was a mess. Plots points were dropped or never explained, and the ending didn't tie up the loose ends.

The were so intent on getting across their guantanamo political point, that they mucked up the story. I don't watch fiction on TV to get lectured on politics by a bunch of film majors. I watch for entertainment.


  • Guy C, who worked at ubcool (or whatever the dumb name of that company was) was shown finding the potato chip can and putting the antenna on the roof. Later we were supposed to believe that Guy A, the skinny tortured nutcase did it.
  • The never explained to us how the skinny weak nutso moved a heavy vending machine 20 feet and heaved it down a flight of stairs. The machine would have had to be moved that distance in about 3 seconds for the victim (Guy B) not to have seen it as he passed the landing.
  • Nutty Guy A was supposed to have killed Guy B because he was listening to house music. ON HIS IPOD. Please explain to me how nutty boy know what some guy was listening to on his IPod, especially when he was nowhere near Guy B because he was busy moving a huge object around in a subway station.
  • The shrink was supposed to have tortured her patient because that would somehow justify what was going on at Guantanamo???? Puh-leeze.
There were more, but that's what I still remember on Thursday night.

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